Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 453

Chapter 453


Chapter 453: The Matter Isnt Over Yet


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ah Zhuang was at a loss for what to do. He figured that paying a fine would be better than ending up at the police station.

He turned to Aunt Yang and said, Im sorry, Aunt Yang. I was young and impulsive, and I had a bit too much to drink. I wasnt thinking clearly. Please tell me how much your belongings cost, and Ill reimburse you. He didnt think her possessions were worth much anyway, considering they were all old and worn out.

Gu Zi didnt want to waste any more time. She pulled out a list and said, Ive already asked Aunt Yang to list the items that need to be compensated. A wooden door, a cotton quilt, a table, a bowl of peanuts, a bowl of rice porridge all these, plus the emotional distress caused by the late-night fright, will cost you 30 yuan. Pay this to Aunt Yang, and we can consider the matter settled.

Ah Zhuangs eyes widened in disbelief when he heard the amount he had to pay. What? All those worthless things cost 30 yuan? He stared at Gu Zis list, belatedly realizing that he might have been tricked. The amount was almost equivalent to his monthly salary.

Su Shen, noticing Ah Zhuangs hostile gaze, stepped in between him and Gu Zi, protecting the latter. He said in a stern voice, Either we settle it this way, or we report it to the police. Its your choice. If you cant afford to pay now, we can deduct 30 yuan from your salary this month. Just sign here and let the village chief witness it.

He then produced a document that Gu Zi had prepared, a declaration of Ah Zhuangs voluntary apology and compensation to Aunt Yang. Gu Zi was right; Ah Zhuang was full of tricks. Having him sign a written apology and posting it on the village offices notice board would prevent him from causing trouble or spreading rumors about this incident in the future.

Ah Zhuang looked at the declaration in front of him, feeling both angry and resentful. However, he had no reason or courage to refuse to sign it. He didnt dare to act recklessly in front of Su Shen.

After signing, he stood up, dragging his wooden stool across the floor, creating a loud, grating noise that echoed his frustration. He asked, Brother Shen, did you and your wife intentionally scare me? Im also an employee at the factory. Arent you being biased?

I only did what I did because I felt things were unfair. I dont understand why this year, the part-time job of tending the furnace, which my mother used to do, was given to Aunt Yang just because shes closer to your wifes mother.

Su Shens gaze fell upon him, scrutinizing and cold. You think we chose Aunt Yang because shes closer to my mother-in-law? Youre mistaken, he said icily. I chose Aunt Yang for another reason. She needs this job more than your mother does. Without it, she would go hungry.

He had no obligation to explain his decisions. Who he appointed to what job was a matter for the factory, not for Ah Zhuang, a mere employee, to decide. Ah Zhuang had overstepped his position, and keeping such a person in the factory was not beneficial.

Even without the incident of drugging, Su Shen had made up his mind not to retain him in his position.

There was no need for further explanation. Anyone with clear sight would understand. The fact that the pig farm had not turned Ah Zhuang over to the police for his actions was already a great act of tolerance, a favor to an old employee.

Ah Zhuang was intimidated by Su Shens aura. Moreover, he knew he was in the wrong. He was confused. Why was he saying all this? His priority should be to keep his job.

Immediately, he changed his tune. I understand now. I was too selfish before, he said. Just as you said, Brother Shen, deduct my salary and give it to Aunt Yang. If theres nothing else, Ill leave now. My mother still needs an explanation from me.

Su Shens jawline tightened, his lips pressed into a straight line. His tone left no room for further pleasantries. Dont be in such a hurry to leave. The matter isnt over yet.

As he spoke, he pulled out another piece of paper. It was covered in several paragraphs of text and a signature. Ah Zhuang squinted at it, confused. The handwriting looked like his uncles. But he must be mistaken.

Ah Zhuang understood Su Shens intention. He was supposed to read the contents of the paper. He took it and began to read, as Gu Zi said, Today, Su Shen and I went to the city. We brought a bottle of something to be tested, and we got the results. On our way back, we stopped by the veterinary pharmacy in town. Your uncle confessed everything. Lets deal with this matter as well.

Su Ming and Mother Lin were unaware of this matter. They listened, somewhat perplexed, but they were not the type to lose their cool. They remained silent observers, not interfering. After all, they would understand what was happening soon enough.

